Friday, November 29, 2019

Supernatural Elements in Julius Caesar Essay Example

Supernatural Elements in Julius Caesar Essay Write note on the use of Supernatural Elements in Julius Caesar Or, What part does the Supernatural play in Julius Caesar? Undoubtedly, the first name in English literature is that of an Elizabethan poet and dramatist? William Shakespeare? whose skill in transforming human character and action into art created a world of unforgettable people, phrases and incredible situations. He is considered to be the master of human psychology and employs several agencies to heighten the dramatic actions in his plays. The supernatural elements and superstitions in ‘Julius Caesar’ have been introduced to reflect the prevailing social beliefs and taboos, and to cater to the crude taste of the groundlings. The people living in the age of Shakespeare believed in black magic and supernatural appearances. They believed that the ghost, witches and fairies actively interfered in human affairs and controlled the destiny and actions of man. This belief was shared by even the most learned man of 16th century. The dramatist has made use of this belief in his plays for a dramatic purpose and with miraculous results. The introduction of the supernatural in his plays adds an element of mystery and deeper moral significance to the drama. It stands as a symbol of mysterious relationship existing between the world of matter and the world of spirit. He has very successfully employed it in his many plays. The supernatural machinery plays an important role in the plays like ‘Hamlet’, ‘Macbeth’, ‘Cymbeline’ and does it most effectively in ‘Julius Caesar’. In ‘Macbeth’, it intensifies human action. In this play the supernatural agency does not originate any course of action. We will write a custom essay sample on Supernatural Elements in Julius Caesar specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Supernatural Elements in Julius Caesar specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Supernatural Elements in Julius Caesar specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer It quickens the impulse which is already in the mind of the hero? Macbeth. But in ‘Julius Caesar’, the ghost of Caesar gives a definite shape and intensifies some elements always present in the mind of Brutus. It intensifies the sense of failure present in Brutus’s mind and urges him a step forward towards his doom. The ‘ghost of Caesar’ has evoked considerable interest among the Shakespearean critics. They are of the view that the ‘ghost of Caesar’ is subjective rather than objective. It is the fear-haunted and anguished mind of Brutus. The ghost did not appear objectively. They prove their contention on the basis of the argument that none except Brutus saw the ghost of Caesar. The ghost was a mere creation of the troubled mind of Brutus is proved by the speech of Brutus himself when he says: â€Å"Now I have taken heart, thou vanished. † Hudson cites this line as an evidence of the contention that the ‘ghost’ is subjective. Caesar’s ghost has also a symbolical significance. It symbolizes the vast posthumous power of the great dictator. The living Caesar dominates the 1st part of the play. The angry and revengeful spirit of Caesar dominates the later part of the drama. So the unity of the play is achieved through the supernatural machinery? the introduction of the ghost of Caesar. Another example of the use of supernatural in the play is the storm, tempest and the unnatural portents preceding the murder of Julius Caesar. The storm too stands as a symbol of the political and psychological turmoil of Rome and in the mind of the conspirators. The tempest dropping fire, the common slave with his flaming hand, the surly lion, the owl hooting in the marketplace during daytime, the sacrificial beasts lacking a heart? all these supernatural factors are clubbed together as a â€Å"preface to the catastrophe of the Ides†. One can very well notice apprehensions of the bad omen in the mind of Caesar’s wife: These ill-omens pre-occupy the mind of Calphurnia and she asks her husband not to go â€Å"A lioness hath whelped in the streets, And graves have yawned and yielded up their dead. Fierce fiery warriors fought upon the clouds In ranks and squadrons and right form of war, Which drizzled blood upon the Capitol. The noise of battle hurtled in the air. Horses did neigh, and dying men did groan, And ghosts did shriek and squeal about the streets. O Caesar! These things are beyond all use, And I do fear them. † to the Senate. Her reason is: â€Å"When beggars die there are no comets seen. The heavens themselves blaze forth the death of King. † But Caesar is misguided by Decius and goes to the Senate to meet his doom ‘on the Ides of March’. Soothsayer’s warning is of no use for Caesar. Even in the battlefield, the ghost of Caesar appears in Brutus’s tent at the dead of the night and says it would meet him again in the battlefield. Next day when Brutus is engaged in bloody fight, it reappears and hastens the doom of Brutus. Not only this. The prevailing superstitions are also used by the dramatist to intensify the dramatic effect. Prophecy is the part of Roman people. The warnings given by Soothsayer and Artimideorous which suggest supernatural intervention in human affairs are highly ignored by Caesar. He dismisses it by saying: â€Å"He is a dreamer; let us leave him: pass† But these words rebound on the speaker with catastrophic effect and the audience is thrilled by its dramatic irony. Even Caesar is not above superstitions. He makes his wife stand in the course of the race so that Antony might touch her while on the run. The superstition was that, touched in that manner, the barren mother would cast off her barrenness. Believing in dreams is another instance of the prevailing superstition of the age. Calphurnia’s dream of the statue of Caesar spouting blood and the Romans washing their hands with it has been very symbolically treated in the play. The dream suggests the premonition. It prepares the mind of the audience for the oncoming murder of Julius Caesar. Similarly, dinner with a dead man was ominous. Cinna did have it and the day proved fatal for him. Thus we see supernatural elements and superstitions play very important roles in the life of a man. The dramatist has shown this contemporary belief very, very successfully in Julius Caesar with his deft artistic touches. Supernatural Elements in Julius Caesar Essay Example Supernatural Elements in Julius Caesar Paper Write note on the use of Supernatural Elements in Julius Caesar Or, What part does the Supernatural play in Julius Caesar? Undoubtedly, the first name in English literature is that of an Elizabethan poet and dramatist? William Shakespeare? whose skill in transforming human character and action into art created a world of unforgettable people, phrases and incredible situations. He is considered to be the master of human psychology and employs several agencies to heighten the dramatic actions in his plays. The supernatural elements and superstitions in ‘Julius Caesar’ have been introduced to reflect the prevailing social beliefs and taboos, and to cater to the crude taste of the groundlings. The people living in the age of Shakespeare believed in black magic and supernatural appearances. They believed that the ghost, witches and fairies actively interfered in human affairs and controlled the destiny and actions of man. This belief was shared by even the most learned man of 16th century. The dramatist has made use of this belief in his plays for a dramatic purpose and with miraculous results. The introduction of the supernatural in his plays adds an element of mystery and deeper moral significance to the drama. It stands as a symbol of mysterious relationship existing between the world of matter and the world of spirit. He has very successfully employed it in his many plays. The supernatural machinery plays an important role in the plays like ‘Hamlet’, ‘Macbeth’, ‘Cymbeline’ and does it most effectively in ‘Julius Caesar’. In ‘Macbeth’, it intensifies human action. In this play the supernatural agency does not originate any course of action. We will write a custom essay sample on Supernatural Elements in Julius Caesar specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Supernatural Elements in Julius Caesar specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Supernatural Elements in Julius Caesar specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer It quickens the impulse which is already in the mind of the hero? Macbeth. But in ‘Julius Caesar’, the ghost of Caesar gives a definite shape and intensifies some elements always present in the mind of Brutus. It intensifies the sense of failure present in Brutus’s mind and urges him a step forward towards his doom. The ‘ghost of Caesar’ has evoked considerable interest among the Shakespearean critics. They are of the view that the ‘ghost of Caesar’ is subjective rather than objective. It is the fear-haunted and anguished mind of Brutus. The ghost did not appear objectively. They prove their contention on the basis of the argument that none except Brutus saw the ghost of Caesar. The ghost was a mere creation of the troubled mind of Brutus is proved by the speech of Brutus himself when he says: â€Å"Now I have taken heart, thou vanished. † Hudson cites this line as an evidence of the contention that the ‘ghost’ is subjective. Caesar’s ghost has also a symbolical significance. It symbolizes the vast posthumous power of the great dictator. The living Caesar dominates the 1st part of the play. The angry and revengeful spirit of Caesar dominates the later part of the drama. So the unity of the play is achieved through the supernatural machinery? the introduction of the ghost of Caesar. Another example of the use of supernatural in the play is the storm, tempest and the unnatural portents preceding the murder of Julius Caesar. The storm too stands as a symbol of the political and psychological turmoil of Rome and in the mind of the conspirators. The tempest dropping fire, the common slave with his flaming hand, the surly lion, the owl hooting in the marketplace during daytime, the sacrificial beasts lacking a heart? all these supernatural factors are clubbed together as a â€Å"preface to the catastrophe of the Ides†. One can very well notice apprehensions of the bad omen in the mind of Caesar’s wife: These ill-omens pre-occupy the mind of Calphurnia and she asks her husband not to go â€Å"A lioness hath whelped in the streets, And graves have yawned and yielded up their dead. Fierce fiery warriors fought upon the clouds In ranks and squadrons and right form of war, Which drizzled blood upon the Capitol. The noise of battle hurtled in the air. Horses did neigh, and dying men did groan, And ghosts did shriek and squeal about the streets. O Caesar! These things are beyond all use, And I do fear them. † to the Senate. Her reason is: â€Å"When beggars die there are no comets seen. The heavens themselves blaze forth the death of King. † But Caesar is misguided by Decius and goes to the Senate to meet his doom ‘on the Ides of March’. Soothsayer’s warning is of no use for Caesar. Even in the battlefield, the ghost of Caesar appears in Brutus’s tent at the dead of the night and says it would meet him again in the battlefield. Next day when Brutus is engaged in bloody fight, it reappears and hastens the doom of Brutus. Not only this. The prevailing superstitions are also used by the dramatist to intensify the dramatic effect. Prophecy is the part of Roman people. The warnings given by Soothsayer and Artimideorous which suggest supernatural intervention in human affairs are highly ignored by Caesar. He dismisses it by saying: â€Å"He is a dreamer; let us leave him: pass† But these words rebound on the speaker with catastrophic effect and the audience is thrilled by its dramatic irony. Even Caesar is not above superstitions. He makes his wife stand in the course of the race so that Antony might touch her while on the run. The superstition was that, touched in that manner, the barren mother would cast off her barrenness. Believing in dreams is another instance of the prevailing superstition of the age. Calphurnia’s dream of the statue of Caesar spouting blood and the Romans washing their hands with it has been very symbolically treated in the play. The dream suggests the premonition. It prepares the mind of the audience for the oncoming murder of Julius Caesar. Similarly, dinner with a dead man was ominous. Cinna did have it and the day proved fatal for him. Thus we see supernatural elements and superstitions play very important roles in the life of a man. The dramatist has shown this contemporary belief very, very successfully in Julius Caesar with his deft artistic touches.

Monday, November 25, 2019

The Formation of Planet Earth

The Formation of Planet Earth The formation and evolution of planet Earth is a scientific detective story that has taken astronomers and planetary scientists a lot of research to figure out. Understanding our worlds formation process not only gives new insight into its structure and formation, but it also opens new windows of insight into the creation of planets around other stars.   The Story Begins Long Before Earth Existed Earth was not around at the beginning of the universe. In fact, very little of what we see in the cosmos today was around when the universe formed some 13.8 billion years ago. However, to get to Earth, its important to start at the beginning, when the universe was young. It all started out with only two elements: hydrogen and helium, and a small trace of lithium. The first stars formed out of the hydrogen that existed. Once that process started,  generations of stars were born in clouds of gas. As they aged, those stars created heavier elements in their cores, elements such as oxygen, silicon, iron, and others. When the first generations of stars died, they scattered those elements to space, which seeded the next generation of stars. Around some of those stars, the heavier elements formed planets. The Birth of the Solar System Gets a Kick-start Some five billion years ago, in a perfectly ordinary place in the galaxy, something happened. It might have been a supernova explosion pushing a lot of its heavy-element wreckage into a nearby cloud of hydrogen gas and interstellar dust. Or, it could have been the action of a passing star stirring up the cloud into a swirling mixture. Whatever the kick-start was, it pushed the cloud into action which eventually resulted in the birth of the solar system. The mixture grew hot and compressed under its own gravity. At its center, a protostellar object formed. It was young, hot, and glowing, but not yet a full star. Around it swirled a disk of the same material, which grew hotter and hotter as gravity and motion compressed the dust and rocks of the cloud together. The hot young protostar eventually turned on and began to fuse hydrogen to helium in its core. The Sun was born. The swirling hot disk was the cradle where Earth and its sister planets formed. It wasnt the first time such a planetary system was formed. In fact, astronomers can see just this sort of thing happening elsewhere in the universe. While the Sun grew in size and energy, beginning to ignite its nuclear fires, the hot disk slowly cooled. This took millions of years. During that time, the components of the disk began to freeze out into small dust-sized grains. Iron metal and compounds of silicon, magnesium, aluminum, and oxygen came out first in that fiery setting. Bits of these are preserved in chondrite meteorites, which are ancient materials from the solar nebula. Slowly these grains settled together and collected into clumps, then chunks, then boulders, and finally bodies called planetesimals large enough to exert their own gravity.   Earth Is Born in Fiery Collisions As time went by, planetesimals collided with other bodies and grew larger. As they did, the energy of each collision was tremendous. By the time they reached a hundred kilometers or so in size, planetesimal collisions were energetic enough to  melt and vaporize  much of the material involved. The rocks, iron, and other metals in these colliding worlds sorted themselves into layers. The dense iron settled in the center and the lighter rock separated into a mantle around the iron, in a miniature of Earth and the other inner planets today. Planetary scientists call this settling process  differentiation.  It didnt just happen with planets, but also occurred within the larger moons and  the largest asteroids. The iron meteorites that plunge to Earth from time to time come from collisions between these asteroids in the distant past.   At some point during this time, the Sun ignited. Although the Sun was only about two-thirds as bright as it is today, the process of ignition (the so-called T-Tauri phase) was energetic enough to blow away most of the gaseous part of the protoplanetary disk. The chunks, boulders, and planetesimals left behind continued to collect into a handful of large, stable bodies in well-spaced orbits. Earth was the third one of these, counting outward from the Sun. The process of accumulation and collision was violent and spectacular because the smaller pieces left huge craters on the larger ones. Studies of the other planets show  these impacts and the evidence is strong that they contributed to catastrophic conditions on the infant Earth.   At one point early in this process a very large planetesimal struck Earth an off-center blow and sprayed much of the young Earths rocky mantle into space. The planet got most of it back after a period of time, but some of it collected into a second planetesimal circling Earth. Those leftovers are thought to have been part of the Moons formation story. Volcanoes, Mountains, Tectonic Plates, and an Evolving Earth The oldest surviving rocks on Earth were laid down some five hundred million years after the planet first formed. It ​and other planets suffered through whats called the late heavy bombardment of the last stray planetesimals around four billion years ago). The ancient rocks have been dated by the uranium-lead method  and appear to be about 4.03 billion years old. Their mineral content and embedded gases show that there were volcanoes, continents, mountain ranges, oceans, and crustal plates on Earth in those days. Some slightly younger rocks (about 3.8 billion years old) show tantalizing evidence of life on the young planet. While the eons that followed were full of strange stories and far-reaching changes, by the time the first life did appear, Earths structure was well-formed and only its primordial atmosphere was being changed by the onset of life. The stage was set for the formation and spread of tiny microbes across the planet. Their evolution ultimately resulted in the modern life-bearing world still filled with mountains, oceans, and volcanoes that we know today.  Its a world that is constantly changing, with regions where continents are pulling apart and other places where new land is being formed. These actions affect not just the planet, but life on it. The evidence for the story of Earths formation and evolution is the result of patient evidence-collecting from meteorites and studies of the geology of the other planets. It also comes from analyses of very large bodies of geochemical data, astronomical studies of planet-forming regions around other stars, and decades of serious discussion among astronomers, geologists, planetary scientists, chemists, and biologists. The story of Earth is one of the most fascinating and complex scientific stories around, with plenty of evidence and understanding to back it up.   Updated and rewritten by Carolyn Collins Petersen.

Friday, November 22, 2019

To compare leadership styles and management styles of three Essay

To compare leadership styles and management styles of three universities in The USA and also to explore the gradual changes on management styles - Essay Example The theoretical framework of this study will anchor on various theories of organizational management. The theories shall be considered in terms of how they affect matters of policy and practice of management in the identified institutions. Case reviews on matters of educational management have revealed changing trends in leadership and management across the globe (Bush, 2010, p. 45). There is evidence of a determined shift from the traditional systems of leadership and management, which were more rigid as compared to the current ones that seem to be more flexible. The traditional systems mainly involved a vertical structure in leadership, wherein the leadership was at the top, making important policy and administrative decisions that affected the operations at all levels of the universities administration (Bush, 2010). Educational institutions that adopted exclusivist policies of leadership favored this system. The current systems have evolved to embrace horizontal structures of leadership where policy matters and decision-making are handled at multiple points of the organization’s structure (McCaffery, 2010). These more developed kinds of leadership and management entail some aspect of devolution where power i s distributed evenly across various academic institutions. Both systems have important strengths and weaknesses. The increasing clamor for liberties and the advocacy for rights of the minorities have had significant impact on the levels and nature of leadership in American universities (Bush & Coleman, 2000). Gender and ethnicity are some of the factors that have been brought within the umbrella of the management and leadership structures of American universities (McCaffery, 2010). Such leadership styles have impacted positively on the nature of leadership by embracing certain qualities that are essentially aimed towards

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Professional Development of Nursing Professionals Essay

Professional Development of Nursing Professionals - Essay Example It suggests understanding a nurse as an important part of the whole system whose education, wit, strong leadership and interpersonal skills make her an equal partner with other health care professionals. The Impact of the IOM Report on Nursing Education The need to improve nursing education is one of the focal points discussed in the IOM Report. Specifically, the Report determines that an improved system of education is an obligatory foundation of nurses’ educational achievements. The latter have been defined as â€Å"seamless academic progression†. To illustrate: â€Å"Nurses should achieve higher levels of education and training through an improved education system that promotes seamless academic progression.† (The IOM Report, 2011, Transforming Education) For this, key areas of change have been defined. These are 1) suggested improvements in the system of nursing education; 2) general upgrade of the level of nursing education to a baccalaureate degree (BSN); 3 ) emphasis on lifelong learning opportunities; 4) managing the transition of graduate nurses from school to practice through various programs. The Report stresses the need to improve the ways in which modern nurses are educated. Due to the complex character of patient needs and healthcare environments, a number of competencies that nurses need to attain has grown of late. The following competencies are called crucial for providing high-quality care: leadership skills, knowledge of health policy, methods of improving systems, skills of teamwork and close collaboration, skills of working within a community, evidence-based, as well as research practice, etc. Respectively, the need to upgrade the existing standards of the nursing profession has been stated firmly. To be more specific, the Report recognizes the growing demand for nurses with a BSN degree. This will expectedly help achieve â€Å"a more educated workforce† in the nursing area (The IOM Report, 2011, Transforming Educ ation). For this purpose, a few models/programs are suggested that will help increase the number of nurses with a baccalaureate degree. Furthermore, the Report has established the need for nurses’ lifelong education and suggested ways of providing enough opportunities for this. To illustrate, â€Å"Nursing education should serve as a platform for continued lifelong learning and should include opportunities for seamless transition to higher degree programs† (The IOM Report, 2011, Transforming Education). These opportunities are represented by various bridge programs, such as LPN-to-BSN, ADN-to-MSN, and ADN-to-BSN. Finally, the Report has determined that managing the transition of graduate nurses from school to practice through various programs should be a priority. This will help decrease high turnover rates in hospitals, as well as nursing homes, and stabilize this workforce in the country. The Impact of the IOM Report on Nursing Practice The impact of the IOM Report o n nursing practice is evident, first of all, in the area of primary care. Apart from this, the need of the overall improvement of nursing care quality has been stated. Importantly, ways of redesigning roles for nurses and methods of overcoming barriers for improved practice have been outlined. As for primary care, this area has been established as lacking in nurse practitioners. However, medical students should be encouraged to enter this specialty since it is expected that â€Å"as access to coverage, service settings, and services increases under the

Monday, November 18, 2019

Designing a system to support the collection of environmental data in Essay

Designing a system to support the collection of environmental data in the country of Wonderland (imaginary) - Essay Example 66). However, many countries do not have certified records that they can rely on; Wonderland is no exception. The country needs to establish a centralized system that can be used by all its divisions. Wonderland already has three departments that collect environmental data actively; the Ministry of Defense (MoD), Ministry of the Environment (MoE), and the Ministry of Land (MoL). These ministries collect similar data independently, and have their own systems of managing them. It would make more sense for the government to consolidate the data into one system so that it can be shared not only between them, but also with other departments; both public and private. The government of Wonderland has the option of upgrading one of the existing systems to accommodate new requirements, or developing a new system. To do this, the government could choose to use its resources to develop the system, outsource the developers, or go for an off-the shelf system. Whichever path the government chooses to follow, care must be taken to ensure that the resultant system meets all, or most, of the requirements laid down. The cheapest development method would involve the use of government resources to develop a new system from scratch. This would cut down the cost of production by eliminating expenses such as those that would be incurred in hiring development experts. It is, however, crucial to note that the government could still have to outsource some experts if it does not have experts who can handle all sections of the project. Outsourcing development firms to deliver the project is another option for Wonderland. While this could be more expensive than using local resources, it guarantees delivery of an efficient, quality system that meets most, if not all requirements. This is because software development firms have all the resources required to develop systems; human, technical, and material. Whereas this could be expensive, it stands the best chance to provide low

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Research In Regard To Shoplifting Psychology Essay

Research In Regard To Shoplifting Psychology Essay In critically reviewing the research in regard to shoplifting done by the security manager, a definition of research will be stated and the following aspects will be analysed and critiqued. Initially, throughout the essay the manager would be complemented for taking the initiative to conduct a research founded on a concern to deal with shoplifting, and the research methodologies used to examine the problem. This would be followed by a critical analysis to identify the strength and weaknesses, beginning with examining the first stage of the investigations which looks at the research problems to determine if the author provided a good argument for the research. The essay will focus on the following, a literature review to determine if the researcher reviewed sufficient information before conducting the research. Methods used during the process of the survey are in compliance with established theories such as qualitative, which include unstructured interviews, observation study, also a comparison between qualitative and quantitative research methods. In addition special attention will be paid to the data collection methods together with the examination of existing information and the ethical violations by the researcher which compromised the validity and reliability of the investigation. The final discussion and interpretation to determine of the finding of the research to determine if the discussion fit with the data collected, taking into consideration if any limitations were encountered which could have influenced the discussion from presenting a logical based result. Research by definition, according to the (Merriam-Webster online Dictionary) states it is a studious inquiry or examination especially, investigations or experimentations aimed at the discovery and interpretation of facts, revision of accepted theories or laws in the light of new facts, or practical application of such new or revised theories or laws: The collecting of information about a particular subject. Research Problem All security managers should be complimented for the initiative to conduct a research which would assist in examining and addressing some of the concerns they were faced with in their organization. On the other hand, in the initial stage of any research there are some fundamental stages that need to be followed in order for the research report to be truly noteworthy. The author indicated the objective for his research was to study shoplifting by costumers and focus on a number of other aspects within the store. These included the volume of shoplifting, the influence of the new CCTV equipment on such and why people actually shoplift. When conducting research it is important to identify the following: What exactly one wants to study? Why it is worth studying? Does the proposed study contribute to our general understanding of crime or its policy response? (Maxfield Babbie, 2008:111). The researcher should also begin by clearly identifying the problem and providing a good argument for s ignificance and determining its relevance (Rodgers (1997). The manager needs to acknowledge that in order to achieve the objective of any research report, there are guidelines that ought to be meticulously evaluated in conducting such an exercise. Literature Review An acknowledgement of some previous research on shoplifting previously done is noteworthy. However, the managers opinion that none for the particular shop was done, and earlier research was not relevant, to the existing research, could seriously put the study at a disadvantage. One of the most important elements in the beginning of a research project is the literature review. According to (Hart 1998 cited in Bell 2008:99) without it, you will not acquire an understanding of your topic, of what has already been done on it, how it has been researched, and what are the key issues. A literature review proposes to offer an overview of relevant literature published on the topic, taking the four stages into consideration. Problem formulation, which considers the topic being examined and what are the component issues, literature research includes finding materials relevant to the subject being explored, data evaluation to determine which literature makes a significant contribution to underst anding the topic, and analysis and interpretation of the findings and conclusion of pertinent literature.(Department of Criminology,2010).The absence of a literature review from the research denied the author critical information that could have assisted in addressing the concerns of shop lifting at the store and a guide for the project. Research Method As a consequence of the number of things under consideration by the researcher with regard to shoplifting at the store, research methods needed to be developed for the study. These take into account using all the necessary processes to achieve the best outcome (Schutt 2004:16) states a researcher can get a clearer picture of the social reality being studied by viewing it observed his method included the use of quantitative research by making use of official data and questionnaires in addition to qualitative data by having interviews, also observation studies. Both qualitative and quantitative methods are useful and legitimate. And some research situation and topics require elements of both approaches (Maxfield Babbie, 2008:26). The importance of research methods should not be underestimated, when seeking to find answers or correct a problem of a social reality. Hence research methodologies form an integral part of any research to be conducted, which has the key to observing the same thing from a different viewpoint. Qualitative research The official data used to determine the volume of shoplifting at the shop were computerised records of inventory taken into the shop as compared to goods sold or otherwise accounted for. However, this measure does not accurately determine the reason for high numbers of unaccounted items at the store, for there could be a number of other factors that could have led to such increasing numbers within the four-month period under review, (Maxfield Babbie. 2008:306 states Store inventory records could be used to estimate losses by customer theft, but this obscures the difference between shoplifting by customers and employee theft. Qualitative methods used in studying data as part of the investigation is commendable, qualitative research is the form of research that is not concerned or interested in what is true or false or what can be proved or disproved, as well as considering the way people understand things and patterns of behaviour. activities that make up this method of research inco rporates , interviews, observations, analysing interactions and conversations including analysing documents,(Department of Criminology,2010).The assumption that shoplifting was on the increase in as much as security officers were catching more people at the shop and the past week two persons were processed by police together with more dodgy persons stopping over at the shop was based purely on observations and lacked adequate data whereby they could have appropriately measure the variables. Interviews Unstructured interviews were used to determine the amount of shoplifting at the shop. Nevertheless, in conducting interviews be it structured or unstructured there must be some ethical consideration when using this method. According to Hart and Bond (1995:198-201 cited in Bell 2008 :44) action research in health and social care, provide examples of different types of code of practice or protocol, which requires researchers to ensure that participants are fully aware of the purpose of the research and understand their rights. The manager choice of semi-structured interviews must be highly praised, for unstructured interviews are most appropriate when researchers have little knowledge about a topic and when its reasonable for them to have a casual conservation with a subject (Maxfeild Babbie, 2008:288). Interviews with both line managers and other records indicated that there was a great deal of shoplifting taking place at the shop. However, both interviews were not conducted at the p roper time to elicit the information necessary in assisting the manager to come to a conclusion as to determine that shop lifting was on the increase at the shop. This factors could have result in bias as there is always dangers in research carried out by individual researchers, particularly those who have strong views about the topic they are researching (Bell, 2008: 166).Structured or unstructured interviews must comply with the general ethics of undertaking such an exercise for many organizations now have ethical guidelines, codes of practice and protocols (Bell, 2008:57) Observational study Observation study was one of the methods used by the researcher to determine why people shoplift. While this is one of the methods by which investigation could be used to collect data, it is not an easy option, according to (Nisbet 1977:15 cited in Bell, 2008:184) careful planning and piloting are essential, and it takes practice to get the most out of this technique. However, once mastered, it can reveal characteristics of group or individuals, which would have been impossible to discover by another means. An afternoon spent walking around the store watching for people shoplifting was done by the security manager in order to collect data; this can be explained as solo observation. However, there is always a danger of accusation of bias or misinterpretation with this type of observation (Bell, 2008:185).In conducting observation studies be it structured or unstructured, participant or non-participant; there are certain guide lines to follow in order to achieve exactly what you need t o know. To begin with consideration should be given as to what information is needed and what approach should be adopted also pilot your method and invite someone to observe with you and compare notes afterwards to see if you saw the same thing (Bell, 2008:185). This emphasizes the point that even though the observation study was unstructured the basic principle for this type of investigation was lacking. On the other hand, the researcher must be commended for employing this method to assist with obtaining the necessary information to establish why people shoplift. Quantitative research Quantitative research methods as compared to qualitative research methods differ primarily in their analytical objectives. While qualitative explores attitudes, and experiences through such methods as interviews, observations, analysing interactions and conversations, including analysing documents,(Department of Criminology,2010).On the other hand quantitative research generates data through the use of a large scale survey via methods such as questionnaires and structured interviews. This type of research reaches many more people, but the contact with target groups is much quicker than it is in qualitative research (Sanchez, 2006) .The researcher decision to design a questionnaire to address why people shoplift is certainly a step in the right direction towards achieving this objective. However, in exercising this option, and considering the survey is likely to get the information required, a well designed questionnaire must be produced that will be acceptable and should pose no prob lem at the analysis and interpretation stage(Bell,2008:136 ). The author points out that he gave out 30 questionnaires to his friends and also to get their friends to fill it in,(Gill,2005:313) stated self administered questionnaire can produce unreliable data as results depend on respondents.(Bell,2008: 148 ) also states, There are distinct advantages in being able to give questionnaires to respondents personally. You can explain the purpose of the study, and in some cases questionnaires can be completed on the spot. You are likely to get better cooperation if you can establish personal contact. The method employed the researcher in delivering the questionnaire could have compromised the information received on their return. Data collection and analysis When deciding to carry out a research project, in the initial stages one should consider how to collect the evidence you require, additionally what is the best way to acquire the information (Bell, 2008:115). The use of official data from the store to identify inventory taken into the shop in comparison to inventory accounted for, as well as unaccounted inventory must be applauded. Analysis of data for the periods under review to determine whether if any significant change in shoplifting before and after the introduction of CCTV confirmed that twenty percent of the inventory was not accounted for in both case. Hence it could not be proven there was a decrease in shoplifting. Generalization is a key concern in research design. We rarely have the resources to study the entire population that is of interest to us, so we have to select cases to study that allow our findings to be generalized to the population of interest. None the less since we can never be sure that our findings will ho ld under all conditions. We should be cautious in generalizing to populations that we do not actually sample. (Schutt, 2004: : 19). Interpretation of results collected from the questionnaire was based on assumptions and not from a proper examination of the data collected. Statements such as, most shoplifting is committed by females for the thrill is not accurate at the point of view two out of ten females answering the questionnaire shoplifted many times, which represents a mere twenty percent.(Bell,2008: 110) writes research findings can be dangerous if they are used in an undisciplined way stating that the research proves x or y without any corroborating evidence to warrant such an assertion. In analysing data collected one should not make claims, which cannot be justified from the evidence presented. Ethical consideration There is no sign throughout the entire research project where the investigator indicated that an ethic committee existed or permission from any supervisor to carry out the survey was granted. (Bell, 2008: 43) explains, at one time, it was possible to have permission for small pieces of research to be done by the head of a department. However, with era change in most cases the supervisor will be aware of any limitations or legal requirement related to researching and ensure that proper standards are in place during the preparation stages of collecting data. Ethical consideration should not be compromised when doing any research project, for any data collected from any of the research methods without consent from participants, create an inherent danger to the reliability and validity of the information collected,(Department of Criminology,2010).The semi- structured interviews, with both line managers is an excellent research method, but they were unaware that an interview was been carr ied out at the time and information collected would be used by the researcher to inform certain conclusions.(Bell,2008:156) points out researchers still have a responsibility to explain as fully as possible what the research is about ,why you wish to interview them, what will be involved an what you will do with the information obtained. During the observational study the young woman arrested for shoplifting and was offered a reward in exchange for information illustrates the importance for ethical concerns in obtaining information. The reliability of the information received through coercion will dispute the authenticity of the data collected. Whenever a research is conducted on persons the well being of the research participants must be top priority. The question of the research is of secondary importance. This explains that if a choice is made between doing harm to the participants and doing harm to the research, it is the research that is sacrificed (Sanchez, 2006). Discussion and Interpretation of findings Raw data taken from the questionnaires, interviews and other methods used need to be recorded analysed and interpreted. (Bell, 2008:203).The researchers discussion and analysis as a consequence of the data collected, asserts that shoplifting is a real problem that is only going to get worse. However, the results presented did not indicate if the results fits with the data collected, any conclusions forwarded need to be accompanied by evidence to support its claim. Taking into consideration data collected during the research as compared to authors statements highlighted this fact. The findings needed to identify limitation of the study and how it affected the quality of the study; challenges encountered in collecting the questionnaire together with the low return ratio would have certainly compromised the fact as to why persons shoplift together with the ages and sex of the offenders. Gathering large amount of information in the hope that something will emerge is not recommended in sm all investigations also selecting research method which are suitable for the task and which can easily analysed, interpreted and presented (Bell, 2008:203).Reliability and validity of the information to determine that CCTV is the solution to the problem is not supported by the statistical data presented. Before and after the installation of the CCTV simple arithmetical procedures related to percentage was not used to analyse the numbers so as to determine if shoplifting prior to and following produced significant changes. According to (Bassey, 1981:85 cited in Bell 2008:202) An important criterion for judging the merit of case study is the extent to which the details are sufficient and appropriate for a teacher working in a similar situation to relate his decision making to that described in the case study. The reliability of a case study is more important than its generalizability. Interpretation of the data collected requires greater analysis before revealing that several things were clear from the research. In determining if a research project ought to be undertaken it must be resolved if the problem is clearly identified, together with providing a good argument for such an investigation. The objective of any research by its definition is aimed at the discovery and interpretation of facts. However, in striving to achieve such this requires the researcher follow the necessary steps that would assist in accomplishing the goals of the investigations. A literature review of previous researches could be an essential first step in understanding the subject. The utilitization of multiple methods to study the research is recommended, which would assist to observe things from a perspective which could challenge or confirm the finding of one method with those of another. Both qualitative and quantitative used were legitimate and helpful in assisting to address the compilation and analysis of information. The differences between both methods were identified, and it was understood that they varied primarily in their analytical objective, while qualitative methods are not keen in what is true or false or what can be proven or disproved. Quantitative on the other hand, produce data through the use of a large scale survey. The possibility of doing a research project should not prevent researchers from considering ethical issues, and aiming at the principle of one having the informed approval from the appropriate review board where the rights of human participants are protected. In the final discussion and analysis of data collected during the investigation, one has to be conscious of the fact that interpretation of the findings must be logically based before making any declaration.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Effective Use of Humor in Magazine Advertising :: Media Advertising Promotion Essays

Effective Use of Humor in Magazine Advertising The purpose of a magazine advertisement is to attract the reader’s attention and hold it long enough for the reader to recognize and remember the name brand of the product being advertised. This is achieved, in many cases, by the use of a comedic image or phrase. These, hopefully, will cause the reader to sit up and look further into what just made him or her smile or even laugh. This technique is seen quite often in the pages of the latest issue of ArtByte magazine. ArtByte is a relative newcomer to the world of computer and technology-related magazines. It is aimed at the upper teen to lower thirties technologically-minded individual who has a somewhat wry sense of humor. Many of the ads in this magazine reflect the idea of ArtByte being aimed at this demographic in their marketing techniques by adding humor to their advertisements. But they still make an attempt to appeal to the high-tech reader. This makes for an interesting balance of technologically-minded text and humor ously-appealing imagery., for example, makes full use of this technique (15), as does Aquent talent agency (0,1). The former advertisement depicts a young man, with whom the reader is meant to identify, who apparently works at a diner as a short-order cook. But, as a sight gag, instead of flipping the burgers on the fryer in front of him, he has opted to pretend that he is a disk jockey (a symbol of the high-tech, modern popular culture) and act as if he were spinning and scratching the aforementioned burgers like records on a turntable. The accompanying text reads: "There’s music everywhere, if you know where to look." This makes for quite the funny image, but most likely only to those who would recognize just what he is doing (young, culturally aware, technologically minded individuals). The smaller text, just below the headline reveals that is actually an online music database that allows the technologically able consumer to (the same demographic targeted by the rest of this m agazine) to find and download MP3s, an internet-based music format. There are also digital videos, and links to other music-related websites. These features have become a mainstay of the modern internet user’s digital repertoire. These advertised features appeal almost instantly to anyone looking for a fast and easy way to access music and information via the internet.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Gas Injection

In the production of oil from subsurface reservoirs, 65% of the oil initially in place (OIIP), on average, is left in the reservoir after more oil as possible has been recovered by natural depletion and with the aid of water flooding. Residual oil and gas are enhanced oil recovery (EOR) methods. EOR techniques are classified into thermal (such as steam or hot water injection) techniques and non-thermal techniques (including designer water flooding, gas injection and chemical flooding). The former is primarily intended for heavy oils, while the latter are normally applied in light oil reservoirs. There are some of the non-thermal enhanced oil recovery methods, such as polymer flooding, alkaline-surfactant-polymer (ASP) and alkaline flooding are much expensive and are also subjected to some operational restrictions, such as temperature (reservoir) and formation permeability. Gas injection techniques in various forms consisting of hydrocarbon gas injection (including natural gas, enriched natural gas and a liquefied petroleum slug driven by natural gas) and non-hydrocarbon gas injection (such as carbon dioxide, nitrogen and flue gas) are widely used to reduces the residual oil saturation. In gas injection, a compressed gas such as carbon dioxide (CO2), natural gas (consisting primarily of methane, CH4), nitrogen (N2), or flue gases are injected into the reservoir to displace oil toward the production wells. The injected gas either partially dissolves in the oil (immiscible gas flooding) or mixes completely with it (miscible flooding), leading mainly to swelling of the oil, viscosity reduction in the oil phase and also for miscible flooding, lowering of the interfacial tension (IFT) between the displacing phase and oil . CO2 injection is preferred because it applies for two different purposes; improving oil recovery and CO2 sequestration for diminish the greenhouse gases emissions. Several problems such as corrosion in the production wells or injection and surface facilities as well   , CO2 separation from the saleable hydrocarbons, large requirement of CO2 per increase in barrel and asphaltene precipitation which causes formation damage and wettability alteration have been reported for CO2 injection process. Injection of N2 or nitrogen-contaminated lean hydrocarbon gases are appropriate EOR processes for deep reservoirs, high pressure reservoirs, with light or volatile oil that are rich in light and also intermediate hydrocarbon components (C2–C5) due to their miscible displacement potential. Low cost, abundance and availability of nitrogen are the most reported advantages for nitrogen injection. Nitrogen is produced by cryogenic processes from air for a long period of time.CO2 (carbon dioxide) flooding enhances oil recovery by the following main mechanisms: (1) oil swelling, (2) reduction of crude oil viscosity, and (3) reduction of interfacial tension (IFT), the latter pertains to miscible flooding . The mechanism of swelling of oil by carbon dioxide injection which makes the volume of oil increase would help discontinuous oil droplets trapped in a porous medium to merge with the flowing oil phase. Reduction in the viscosity is another major mechanism which is significant at even moderate pressures. The amount of solution gas or oil ratio in case of nitrogen injection is lower than that of CO2. The swelling factors of N2 were also lower than those of CO2 due to nitrogen lower solubility in the oil. If the pressure is low (lower than 3 MPa), solubility of nitrogen and flue gas is negligible. The viscosity reduction due to N2 injection is much lower than that of carbon dioxide injection. Addition of N2 to the injection gas implies that some mechanisms other than swelling and viscosity reduction are important. One possibility is the buildup of free gas saturation with the N2 containing injectants that may decreases the relative permeability to water, thereby improving the mobility ratio. Moreover, nitrogen has a higher molar volume than CO2 which tells that one mole of nitrogen displaces a higher volume of gas than that of CO2. Therefore, N2 is more favorable in terms of displacement volume. So that our focus in this study is on N2.Literature review on N2 miscibility Immiscible gas injection can potentially recover a large amount fraction of the remaining oil after primary depletion or water flooding (WF). However, such potential has hardly ever been realized because of the low vertical efficiency and areal sweep efficiency. Nitrogen injection process is also performed either by miscible or immiscible, depending on the injection pressure of N2, reservoir temperature and reservoir oil composition. Miscibility is theoretically defined as the conditions at which there is no interface between the reservoir oil and displacing phase . In other words, it can be say that two phases are miscible when a single phase fluid is produced after intermingling of two fluids with each other at any ratio. The lowest operating pressure, at reservoir temperature, at which miscibility is achieved between reservoir fluid and injection gas is termed as the minimum miscibility pressure (MMP) . There has been a few correlations in the literature for N2 MMP estimation producing different average absolute error values. A study done by Fathinasab, Ayatollahi and Hemmati-Sarapardeh   had resulted in a correlation for MMP which will be used for pure N2, nitrogen mixtures and lean gases. The developed correlation yields the least error and is a function of average critical temperature of the injection gas, reservoir temperature, C7 + fraction molecular weight of crude oil, volatile components (mole fraction) and intermediate components (mole fraction) of crude oil. Since N2 is not as good a solvent for oils as carbon dioxide (CO2), or even methane (CH4), the pressure required for nitrogen to become miscible with any oil should be greater than that for methane which, in turn, is higher than CO2 . This especially makes nitrogen attractive for highly undersaturated reservoirs at immiscible conditions. Literature review on challenges in gas flooding and a solution The major technical challenge of immiscible gas injection is to maintain proper sweep efficiency of the injected gas, improve gas utilization and delay its breakthrough. These result from a combination of gravity override and gas channeling through high permeability streaks in the formation. Gas segregation, channeling and fingering through high permeability streaks are inherent in any gas injection; they are due to the excessively higher mobility and far lower density of gas (displacing phase) compared to oil or water (displaced phase). Unfavorable mobility ratios lead to even more severe channeling in heterogeneous reservoirs and heavier oil reservoirs. Consequently, the drive fluid does not contact a large part of the reservoir and the volumetric sweep efficiency of the reservoir remains poor . Furthermore, a displacement is adversely affected by capillary end effects, arising from the discontinuity of capillarity in the wetting phase at the outlet end of the core, that, for the gas/oil system, cannot be overcome by high gas throughput rates. WAG injection is implemented to improve mobility ratio and sweep efficiency.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Women of Kievan Rus

The women of Kievan Rus were in a much different setting and social structure than their western counterparts. With the arrival of Christianity in Kievan Rus can new changes to family relations and positions of women in society and the household. The church divided women into two groups, the â€Å"good† and the â€Å"evil† women. The determination of who fell into what group was determined on how they compared to the norms of behavior of saints. With women divided into two groups the church focused more on the conduct of â€Å"evil† women.The church handed down instructions on the conduct of women. The core of these instructions was based on the submissiveness of women to god and their husbands. They urged women to stay silent and be socially dependent. But women’s lives were not totally controlled and they were not treated sub-humanly. As seen in the treaty between Novgorod and Gotland slave women had rights and were defended against harm. The example it gives is the denial to rape or harm slave women. Their social roles were protected and offenders would have to stand trial and pay a heavy fine.Their counterparts, free women were also protected and held interesting privileges. Women were well protected from anything stemming from simple insults to rape. They also had a choice in their marriage partner and if they were forced into a marriage then the parents would have to pay a hefty fine. There were documents unearthed, which showed that Novgorod women lent money and owned land. Women in Novgorod and Kievan Rus were a unique sect of society with both freedoms and restrictions.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Past Perfect and Past Perfect Continuous for ESL

Past Perfect and Past Perfect Continuous for ESL The two most advanced tenses in the past are the past perfect and past perfect continuous. There are slight differences between these two tenses, but both are used to speak about actions that occur before another point in time in the past. Intermediate level English learners  can study the basic structures below, and then use the activities provided below. Teachers can print out and use materials in-class to help students acquire these two complicated tenses. There are also a number of lessons referenced below that focus on comprehension materials for both of these tenses. Finally, teachers can get ideas and tips from these guides to teaching the past perfect and past perfect continuous. Past Perfect There are two past tenses used to describe things that happen before another point in time in the past. Use the past perfect to talk about an event which had happened at some point in time before something took place. Tom had interviewed five times before he got his first job.She had already eaten by the time they arrived. Past Perfect Continuous The past perfect continuous is used to express how long something had been going on before something important happened in the past. Jane had been studying for four hours when he came home.Jack had been driving four over six hours when he finally pulled over to have lunch. Past Perfect Structure Positive Subject had past participle I, You, He, She, We, They had finished before I arrived. Negative Subject had not (hadnt) past participle I, You, He, She, We, They hadnt eaten before he finished the job. Questions Question word had subject past participle What - had he, she, you, we, they thought before I asked the question? Past Perfect Continuous Structure Positive Subject had been verb ing I, You, He, She, We, They had been working for two hours when she telephoned. Negative Subject had not (hadnt) been verb ing I, You, He, She, We, They hadnt been paying attention for long when he asked the question. Questions Question word (often How long) had been subject verb ing How long - had he, she, you, we, they been working before he arrived? Study the Past Perfect and Past Perfect Continuous in Depth Here are detailed guides to the past perfect and the past perfect continuous tenses. Each guide provides situations, common time expressions used with the tense, as well as examples. This guide is for choosing between using simple perfect forms or continuous perfect forms (present perfect, past perfect, future perfect vs present perfect continuous, past perfect continuous, future perfect continuous) is perfect for advanced level students looking to understand the fine points of these tenses. The past unreal (3rd) conditional also uses the past perfect form. Test Your Knowledge of Past Perfect and Past Perfect Continuous Once youve studied the rules - or if you already know the rules - test your knowledge with a past forms review or conditional forms quiz. Teach a Lesson about the Past Simple and Past Continuous Here are lessons on the site which have elements of the lesson which focus on the past perfect simple or past perfect continuous and their use with other tenses. Tense Identification Review - Integration Lesson for Upper-Level Students​A Difficult Situation - Using Modal Verbs of Probability in the PastMultinationals - Help or Hindrance? - use of past perfect/continuous to in debate lessons to provide contextGuilty! - communication lesson using a variety of past tensesSentence Auctions - students try to decide whether a sentence is a genuine masterpiece worth buying, includes examples of past perfect. Activities with the Past Perfect Simple and Past Perfect Continuous Some activities that will help you practice: Waiting for a Friend - Advanced past and future forms (future continuous, 3rd conditional, etc.)English Tenses Timeline Chart - study how the past perfect and past perfect continuous relate to other tenses on a timeline.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Vindication of the rights of women with structures on political and Essay

Vindication of the rights of women with structures on political and moral subjects - Essay Example One of the most important things to remember about this work is the fact that it was written following the French Revolution. The French Revolution was a much feared event in England, where Mary Wollstonecraft hailed from. The possibility of revolution was something that the English aristocracy feared to a great extent. This fear influenced many of their worldviews and beliefs. However, it was important to many members of the intelligentsia as a result of the liberal philosophy that it espoused. This work comes in the backdrop of the continuing French Revolution that was based on the ideals of liberty, equality and fraternity. It is also based on these ideals as it talks through several perspectives for the development of equality for women in regard to their male counterparts in the society. It also seeks to counteract those notions that enable such a denigration of the roles that women play in the society. This is then something that needs to be analyzed in a more minute manner. Th is paper shall look at the different issues that Wollstonecraft brings into her discussion of gender and her critique of patriarchal social relations as they existed in England during the time of her writing this work. The work also needs to be seen in terms of the legacy of the Augustan age when reason was considered to be the most important faculties of mankind. Wollstonecraft draws on reason as the basis of the society that she envisages for mankind and also looks at reason as the way out for the patriarchal conundrum that women were faced with. This is the basis of the rights that she envisages for women. This is significant as it is a break away from the tradition-oriented debates that were common in England at the time of the French Revolution. English conservative politicians had begun to extol the virtues of traditions at a time when they were being threatened by the revolutionary fervor that was present in France. This was detrimental to the condition of women as their righ ts were being curtailed in England as a result of this insistence on tradition as well. This is one of the reasons as to why it was important for a work of this kind to come out at this point of time in history, especially in England. This insistence on tradition is then countered using the notion of reason as it was prevalent in England. Despite having said this, the spirit of the work derived from the ideas of freedom that emanated from the French Revolution. It is in this relation that one needs to look at the arguments that are advanced in favor of education by the author. She talks of education as the means through which women can be empowered. She advances the notion that this would enable them to think independently and understand the value of reason and understanding. This would also, according to her, help women to nurture their children better. She says, Contending for the rights of woman, my main argument is built on this simple principle, that if she be not prepared by e ducation to become the companion of man, she will stop the progress of knowledge and virtue; for truth must be common to all, or it will be inefficacious with respect to its influence on general practice. And how can woman be expected to cooperate unless she

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Healthcare Law & Ethics class - online discussion Personal Statement

Healthcare Law & Ethics class - online discussion - Personal Statement Example Some businesses benefit from having owners that are active participants in the business that is their livelihood. The only potential opening for unethical behavior would be if this radiologist is interested in abusing her position or finding negative and underhanded means that could undermine the clinics integrity; or was in anyway, compromising patient care, which is not yet an issue. In fact, as stated prior, it is a possibility that the partnership could be beneficial to the clinic not a hindrance. However, again, the ethics of the situation has less to do with the proposed scenario and more to do with the individual that is in the scenario. Some have suggested that the sale of organs in the U.S. would increase the supply of viable organs for transplant. Others have said that only voluntary donation is ethical under the U.S. system of medicine. Should someone in India, for example, be permitted to sell a kidney for $40,000 when there is a willing buyer from the U.S. who is in need of a kidney? What are the issues here? It is proposed that the potential sale of human organs would increase the number of organs available to those who may need them. However, it is also just as likely that the allowance of such sales would lead down a much darker path. By allowing the individual sale of organs creates a market; supply and demand. Simply put, it is very likely that instead of having more potential organs for those who needed them, there would be less. People are going to be less civically moved to donate organs, when there is a possibility of an economical motivation. Why donate when you can make a profit? Secondly, a strong issue is that once a high dollar value is placed on human parts, then it is no longer about who needs the organ the most, due to condition and severity, but to whom can pay the most to receive it. This is where the